When you decide to divorce, it's easy to focus so much attention on the here and now that you don't consider the long-term impact on your finances. It's critical that you find enough time in your schedule to prepare your finances for post-divorce life. Doing so now...
2 Primary Concerns To Address In Divorce
Ending a marriage takes a lot of work, especially if you have shared assets and children. Working through everything can take time, so you should be prepared to go through the process. Remember that protecting your interests is one of the priorities you have during...
Divorce Comes With Unexpected Losses
The emotional toll of a divorce can impact every aspect of your life. Some people assume that they aren't going to have to deal with this in their divorce -- especially if they initiated it -- but some unexpected losses that come with the end of a marriage can take...
Why Mistreating A Spouse In Divorce Is A Mistake
People in Oregon who are going through a divorce may make the process and outcome even worse by treating a spouse badly. Giving in to the temptation to be rude or unpleasant to the spouse may feel good in the moment, but over time, it will make the divorce more...
The rise of gray divorce
Couples in Oregon may be surprised to learn that gray divorce - which refers to divorces involving couples over the age of 50 - is on the rise in the United States, according to one study. Although the divorce rate has dropped overall, the rate of gray divorce doubled...
Social Security benefits on a spouse’s record after divorce
One element of divorce for people in Oregon may be dividing retirement savings. In some cases, people may also be able to claim retirement on an ex-spouse's work record. The Social Security office does not necessarily keep track of this, so individuals may need to...
What to consider before signing a prenuptial agreement
Romantic partners who decide to share a home together may decide to create a cohabitation agreement. They may also choose to create a prenuptial agreement that serves as a way to exert more control over the terms of a potential divorce. Ideally, couples will create...
A prenup now can avoid conflict later
People in Oregon considering marriage may not want to think about divorce when they are preoccupied with romantic plans for the future. In addition, many people think of prenuptial agreements as solely a matter for extremely wealthy people or celebrities. However, a...
Business owners and divorce
When couples living in Oregon decide to divorce, financial issues often take center stage. A couple must decide how to divide their debts and assets and make decisions regarding ongoing financial support. If the couple owns a business together, or either spouse is a...
Red flags that indicate a future divorce
Some spouses in Oregon are unhappy in their relationships but have doubts about separating. The decision to split up would be easier if there was one major sign that pointed toward divorce. However, the truth is that divorce is usually much more complicated, and there...