When you split from your Oregon spouse, you will undoubtedly need to untangle your lives from one another’s, and if you share children you both plan to parent moving forward, you will need to figure out how to effectively co-parent. Co-parenting almost always involves a significant adjustment, but the more you and your child’s other parent can agree to when it comes to raising your shared child, the better off that child will likely be.
According to Psychology Today, a co-parenting plan is a written document that prioritizes your child’s needs, and it can outline any number of different guidelines you and your ex agree to abide by while you parent your child moving forward. Co-parenting plans can contain information about any number of areas of your child’s life, and as you can probably imagine, the contents of such a plan may need updating as your child grows older.
So, what sorts of matters do most parents choose to address in their co-parenting plans? Contents can include anything from custody, visitation and holiday and special occasion arrangements to who is responsible for paying for extracurriculars, college and what have you. In other words, most topics relating to parenting are fair game, and it may serve you particularly well to address matters in your co-parenting plan that you believe might otherwise lead to discord down the line.
For example, if you can picture you and your ex fighting over which one of you has to bring the child to the other’s house for custody changes, create a set schedule for doing so in your plan. Often, the co-parenting relationship can be a difficult one, but having an established set of rules in place can help make the process easier on everyone.
This copy is informational in nature and not a replacement for legal advice.