When it comes to divorce, there are many different issues that need to be taken into consideration by those who have decided to bring their marriage to an end, such as the custody of their children and the division of marital property. Unfortunately, some people find themselves in especially difficult situations when they split up with their marital partner, such as those who are subjected to intimate partner violence or threats of physical harm. If you are experiencing these challenges personally, it is pivotal to protect yourself and your children from any threats.
Intimate partner violence can impact a divorce case in many ways. First of all, some people may decide to file for a divorce solely because of domestic violence, while others may have an additional amount of stress as a result of their concerns about being subjected to further intimate partner violence or the well-being of their children. Moreover, it may be important to bring these issues up in court, especially if certain matters such as the determination of child custody are being reviewed.
Our law office knows that victims of intimate partner violence may be afraid to speak out at times or be unsure of their rights. However, nobody should feel trapped in a dangerous and toxic marriage. For some people, moving forward with a divorce is a great way to put these experiences behind them and look to a brighter future. Visit our law firm’s divorce section for a closer look at various legal considerations related to the end of marriage.