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Developing a visitation schedule that is fair and functional

On Behalf of | Oct 12, 2018 | Child Custody, Firm News |

When a couple in Oregon chooses to get divorced, their decision may require that one or both parents relocate as the courts negotiate the details of the separation. For couples with children, this process could be critical as they negotiate where their children will live and who their guardians will be. They will also need to decide whether parenting responsibilities and decisions will be shared and how time will be split between both parents to allow their children to maintain a relationship with both their mom and dad.

As parents begin the process of creating a visitation schedule and coordinating the details of their shared custody arrangement, it is critical that both parties acknowledge that they will not be able to have everything they want. According to, parents who are more concerned about “winning” the arrangement they wanted to keep current schedules convenient and easy will often be disappointed when they are required to compromise to some degree. The visitation schedule that people create is a valid effort at enabling children shared by the couple to have accessibility to both of their parents to enjoy the relationships and experiences that come from having both a mother and a father. It is not, however, a resource for people to get revenge on their ex.

LiveAbout suggests that once parents coordinate a functional schedule, that they do everything in their power to follow what has been outlined. Doing so will allow everyone to have clear expectations and will give the children a good chance at being able to retain a schedule that is normal and anticipated. This sort of expected regimen may prevent unnecessary contention, anxiety and confusion that would otherwise result from a continually changing agreement.
